What causes neck pain? This question is at the forefront of every patient’s mind as they suffer under the physical and emotional oppression caused by terrible symptoms. Patients who have intractable pain always want to know why they must endure such ordeals and look to their doctors to provide the answers. Unfortunately, there is no universal answer which can explain neck symptoms in every patient. In fact, the causative processes which explain individual symptomatic profiles are extremely case-specific criteria.
Every patient has their own personal reasons for pain and these sources can be as varied and diverse as the patients who suffer from them. This dialog will help neck pain victims to better comprehend why they suffer and how to go about finding much needed relief.
What Causes Neck Pain? / Structural Model
The Cartesian philosophy has long dominated medical science. This thought process holds dear the idea that all manner of pain is caused by some structural abnormality or dysfunction. In essence, if pain exists, then something in the body must be broken or diseased to cause it. The structural model of pain names countless possible reasons for discomfort within the cervical anatomy. Muscular issues can cause acute or chronic symptoms.
Spinal abnormalities usually enact serious and lasting pain. From bulging discs in the neck to osteoarthritis to atypical spinal curvatures to displaced vertebral bones, the structural model spells out clearly that irregular anatomy usually is responsible for suffering. Of course, disease also fits nicely into the structural model of pain, with such conditions as diabetes being cited as primary causes of widespread symptoms in the body.
Mindbody Neck Pain Causes
Imbalances in the body are universally accepted as causing painful effects. However, a more enlightened viewpoint also takes into account the ability of the mind to generate, escalate or perpetuate pain from emotional injury, disease and trauma. It is folly to lose focus on the simple fact that the mind does indeed control everything the body does, either consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously. This is why many doctors now embrace the mindbody model of pain, which cites both physical and emotional factors as working together to cause most instances of chronic symptomology. This school of thought breaks down to name 2 distinct contributors to the expression in most patients.
First, secondary symptoms are possible when a physical condition exists to generate pain, but emotional overlay is added to make the effects much worse. The emotions can perpetuate pain, exacerbate pain or intensify it. However, even if the psychoemotional issues are resolved, physical pain would still be possible due to some purely anatomical source.
Next, primary symptoms actually originate in the mind, but are expressed in the body. These are often called psychosomatic symptoms, but more doctors now use the mindbody terminology to describe primary expressions so as to not infer that the patient is somehow mentally defective.
In years past, the mere mention of the word psychosomatic was a very taboo subject, despite overwhelming evidence that humans are definitely creatures which are completely governed by mind and body interactions.
What Causes Neck Pain? / Objective Answers
Remember to take all possible neck pain causes into account when working with your doctor to develop an accurate diagnostic theory to explain your symptomatic expression. Unless your doctor is truly unique and enlightened, chances are that they will focus exclusively on the body and complete ignore any emotional causes or contributors to your pain, no matter how obvious these may seem. This is why it is so vital to take an active part in your own care and stay up to date on all the latest news in the mindbody medical arena.
You might just have the very best chance to end your pain once and for all, simply by recognizing causative factors in your life which elude your doctor. We see it all the time in your letters and emails.
Even if the causation is purely physical, never forget the terrible cure rate offered by most of the modern medicine. Therefore, never fail to question anything which does not make perfect sense and never stop doing lots of independent research to advocate on your own behalf. You must realize that if you are not 100% invested in your own health, no one else will be.
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