Degenerative disc disease neck pain is one of the most often misdiagnosed of all structural conditions theorized to be responsible for eliciting cervical spinal symptoms. DDD is a universal scapegoat for back and neck pain, since it virtually always exists in the cervical and lumbar regions and is easily diagnosed via MRI or even antiquated x-ray technology. If a doctor tells you that you have disc degeneration, disc desiccation or disc disease in your neck, your response should be simple: “Sure, I know. We all have it; even you”.
This resource section separates the facts from the myths when it come to disc desiccation in the cervical spine.
Degenerative Disc Disease Neck Pain Dialogs
Here are a few articles dedicated to DDD and how disc deterioration may be blamed for neck pain symptoms in a great number of patients in the absence of more serious spinal abnormalities:
Cervical degenerative disc disease is almost inherent to the human spine as we age. Most people demonstrate DDD by the age of 30 and some much younger. I was diagnosed at age 16.
A degenerated cervical disc may be blamed for sourcing neck ache, but this diagnosis is on shaky ground once you learn the facts about disc disease.
Cervical disc desiccation is a normal and expected process in which the intervertebral discs in the spine dry out due to age and use. Desiccation is basically another term for DDD in most instances.
Degenerative Disc Disease Truths
Here are some fast facts and myths about disc disease and its relationship with neck pain:
FACT: Degenerative disc disease describes a condition in which the disc shrinks, losing height, mass and often bulges in the process.
FACT: DDD helps facilitate herniated discs.
FACT: Disc desiccation can be seen on x-ray or MRI.
FACT: Disc disease also facilitates the osteoarthritic processes and can lead to bone spurs and spinal joint changes.
MYTH: Degenerative disc disease is inherently painful and problematic.
MYTH: DDD requires active medical care and neck pain treatment.
MYTH: DDD can be successfully reversed.
MYTH: Disc desiccation is one of the main sources of cervical symptoms.
Degenerative Disc Disease Neck Pain Conclusions
When I was 16 years old, I was pronounced to have degenerative disc disease in my lumbar spine, as well as scoliosis. My first chiropractor was more than happy to tell me what horrors waited for me as I got older and within a few days, I was thoroughly disempowered by the nocebo effect of his ridiculous diagnosis. Sure, I had a tiny spinal curve and some disc space narrowing, but so what? Research clearly shows that these conditions, along with virtually all other mild to moderate spinal abnormalities, are not responsible for causing any pain whatsoever in most patients. Unfortunately, I did not know this back then and wound up suffering terrible chronic pain for decades while struggling fruitlessly to find a cure for these issues.
If you have been diagnosed with DDD as the primary causation behind your neck pain, I urge you to learn the facts about DDD for yourself before seeking any treatment at all.
Neck Pain > Degenerative Disc Disease Neck Pain