Herniated disc neck pain is perhaps the most common of all diagnosed neck and back ache symptoms suffered worldwide. The words herniated disc are enough to send chills down the spine of anyone who has one, knew someone who has one or has simply heard the horror stories which detail terrible and enduring tormentous pain. The reality of herniated discs is quite far from this fear-inducing menace. Intervertebral herniations are actually incredibly normal and exist in many people in the neck or lower back without causing any pain or neurological effects whatsoever. It is truly vital to understand all about herniated discs for anyone who has been positively diagnosed, since no single condition is handled worse in the dorsopathy sector than the variety of disc pathologies.
This resource section is devoted to explaining how herniated discs might be capable of causing neck symptoms, and more importantly, why many intervertebral abnormalities are misdiagnosed as the source of pain.
Herniated Disc Neck Pain Topics
A herniated disc in the neck is the second most prevalent area in the human body for a bulging disc to occur.
A cervical herniated disc is unbelievably commonplace in people with and without neck pain, most often in the mid to lower vertebral levels of the neck. I have 6 of them.
A cervical bulging disc may be slightly different than a herniation or may be the exact same, depending on the care provider and their preferred diagnostic terminology.
A cervical disc protrusion is another name for a herniated disc which is often found on MRI reports for neck pain sufferers.
A bulging disc in the neck is often considered to be less serious than a full herniated disc. However, this is a misconception. Bulges can actually be worse than full herniations, or even extrusions, in some scenarios.
A prolapsed cervical disc is yet another term used for an intervertebral herniation in the cervical spine.
A ruptured cervical disc describes a herniation in which the outer disc wall, called the annulus fibrosus, has broken open and spilled the internal disc nucleus to one degree or another.
A cervical disc extrusion is a ruptured disc in which some, or all, of the nucleus has spilled out of the interior disc cavity, but remains attached to the disc structure.
A sequestered disc fragment is a piece of a ruptured disc which has become detached and free moving from the disc structure. These are known to sometimes migrate into surrounding areas of the spinal anatomy.
Cervical chemical radiculitis is the name for a condition in which spilled proteins from the nuclei of ruptured, extruded or sequestered discs is theorized to irritate surrounding nerve tissues.
Do you know how to find relief from cervical herniated disc? We provide expert tips to assist you in feeling better!
Research everything about herniated discs on Herniated-Disc-Pain.Org and learn more about their causes, symptoms and treatments.
Herniated Disc Facts
Herniated discs are often part of the natural and normal spinal aging process. As discs age, they degenerate. This process is called degenerative disc disease, which is laughable. It is not a disease at all. Worn discs are also prone to bulging and even annular tearing.
A spinal disc itself has no internal blood supply or nerve endings, so it feels no pain. The methods through which a herniation can produce pain is by affecting nearby neurological structures, such as nerve roots or the spinal cord.
Herniated Disc Neck Pain Summary
Some bulging and herniated discs are complete nonissues. They exist and often take the blame for causing coincidental pain, but are not the real underlying causative process. This is statistically proven and not the subject of any opinion, slant or propaganda. Some herniated discs can cause or contribute to neck pain syndromes and must be monitored or even treated professionally. In very rare instances, a herniated disc might create a true emergency case where surgery is not only indicated, but is sometimes a true necessity. Luckily, these cases are extremely uncommon.
I personally have 12 bulging and herniated discs in my spine, including every single one in my neck. I know many people who have multiple ugly looking disc issues in their necks, but are absolutely fine. The more you learn about the true herniated disc facts, the less you will fear them.
Herniated disc neck pain responds better than any other diagnosis to our proven Cure Back Pain Forever Program. Join the huge number of people who have successfully avoided disc surgery using our safe and holistic practices, which are available to help you right now.
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