Do you need neck and back pain relief? Combination symptoms are a double dose of misery that can force patients into drastic therapies for relief. Neck pain or back pain by itself is already a potentially debilitating health issue. However, when combined, the collateral consequences on physical functionality and life outlook are catastrophic.
Neck and back pain can exist close together or at complete opposite ends of the anatomy. The symptoms can be present at the same time, in alternating fashion or in transitional arrangements where one primary pain syndrome morphs into another. Pain might be equally severe in both locations or may be far worse in one region compared to the other. In essence, there are many variables when it comes to defining combination neck pain that also exists in the back.
This dialog explores the possible causes of neck and back pain and how patients with these torturous dual location syndromes can find lasting relief using targeted modalities of care.
Need for Neck and Back Pain Relief
Neck pain is a greatly limiting condition physically and is the second most common form of dorsalgia. Similar to back pain, symptoms which endure for more than 6 to 12 months tend to hang around forever, instead of eventually being cured. Wait, what? That’s right. People who have pain for more than 6 to 12 months, and do not find relief in that time, have a better chance of suffering pain for the remainder of their lives than they do of curing it at this point. This is unacceptable.
Back pain can exist in one or more areas of the dorsal anatomy. Upper back and middle back pain is possible, but is seldom seen in comparison to the far more frequent lumbar back pain profiles which fill medical offices and hospital emergency rooms around the world. Lower back ache is the most common form of chronic pain and certainly one of the most debilitating. Actually, lower back pain tops virtually all the accepted pain scales in use in the modern healthcare specialties.
When neck pain combines with back pain, symptoms can be excruciating and impossible to ignore. Most patients are sent into desperation from the pain and anatomical limitations quickly and a great number acquiesce to premature surgical intervention in order to have any hope of benefiting from a cure.
Neck and Back Pain Relief Disappointments
When it comes to back pain or neck pain, there are many problems in the diagnostic and treatment sectors. The single greatest problem is certainly misdiagnosis. It is sad how antiquated our medical system is in so many ways. Doctors tend to blame pain on conditions that demonstrate no evidence of pathology, while simultaneously ignoring strong evidence of pathology elsewhere in the body or mind. This is done purely for the sake of preserving profitability and ease of care within the traditional medical specialties.
If patients knew the truth of these insider facts, many would swear off seeing a traditional doctor for neck pain ever again. Things are really that bad! Since the diagnosis is often unsound, treatment stands no hope of curing. After all, it is not directed at the actual cause of pain. Therefore, even when treatment is deemed a clinical success, the pain rarely goes away and the patient is placed right back into care with some poor excuse for the continuing suffering, such as “nerve damage“, “continuing degeneration” or “multiple spinal problems”. We hear it all and it sickens us to our core.
Symptomatic care drains patients of time and money without ever providing any semblance of curative resolution. Meanwhile, curative methods of care typically fail and often make things much worse for the patient. Well, this is expected given the barbaric and unenlightened ideas driving most cervical spinal surgery endeavors. Think about how rare it is to actually hear that anyone is truly cured of chronic severe back and neck pain…
Finding Neck and Back Pain Relief
It is possible to find neck and back pain relief. However, it is a challenge, for sure. In order to improve your chances, here are our recommendations on getting on the right path towards real relief, rather than the revolving conveyer belt of suffering:
Focus on making absolutely sure that your diagnosis is right before beginning treatment. Combination pain syndromes are even more complicated to accurately diagnosis than neck pain or back pain alone. Get multiple diagnostic opinions and be sure to research each before accepting any as valid. Taking an active role will go a long way towards preventing misdiagnosis. This step is so important that we actually wrote a dedicated book on the subject of preventing misdiagnosis. The book can be found as part of our proven pain relief program.
Next, set goals for treatment. If you want to avoid surgery and do not mind continuing symptomatic care, then you will have lots of options for different types of therapies to try. Do not make long-term commitments to any, but use trial and error to see what works. Just remember that symptom-targeting care will make you a virtual slave and will never cure you.
Finally, work towards a cure using whatever mind and body modalities stand the best hope of ending your pain. A few patients will actually require surgery. If this is your fate, then research procedures and surgeons carefully, choosing the best doctor and the least invasive technique which can accomplish the surgical objective. However, there are other paths towards a cure that should always be considered, such as spinal decompression and the obvious choice of knowledge therapy. We have made things much easier since the launch of our proprietary program in 2018. Over a decade of work went into the program and results rival traditional methods of care without any of the risks and with additional collateral benefits provided for lifelong good health.