There seems to be an endless procession of possible neck pain causes blamed for enacting agonizing symptoms in the cervical spine and surrounding musculature. Neck pain, much like back pain, is a horrific condition with an overwhelming diversity of sources, contributors, perpetuators and exacerbators. Understanding the actual process which is responsible for your neck pain is perhaps the most crucial aspect of finally achieving lasting relief from the torment. Misdiagnosed neck pain is the most vile enemy of every patient, since without an accurate diagnostic therapy in place, the chances of recovery are virtually zero.
This article focuses on many of the usual suspects which actually cause or are perceived to cause pain in most patients.
Variety of Neck Pain Causes
If you are trying to research diagnosed, potential and/or suspected causes of neck pain, this is the right place to begin:
What causes neck pain in reality may not always be what is theorized by your doctor. Abysmal treatment statistics clearly show that many doctors do not know what causes pain, since treatment aimed at these suspected sources often does not resolve the neck pain symptoms, despite correcting the structural injury or defect.
Angina and neck pain may be related in some patients.
Cancer neck pain is a terrible possible consequence of the disease itself or many of the popular treatment options.
Neck pain from a tumor may occur from cancer or benign growths in the cervical anatomy.
Fibromyalgia neck pain and fibromyalgia neck and shoulder pain are ultra-common symptomatic expressions of this widespread and misunderstood health crisis.
Heartburn neck pain is often experienced in the front of the neck and throat.
Lyme disease neck pain is yet another symptom of this mysterious disease.
Large breast neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain are all possible in cases where heavy mammaries enact muscular and skeletal changes in the body.
Stress neck pain is one of the most prevalent and most often overlooked sources of symptoms.
Pregnancy neck pain may be related to hormonal and/or postural changes, as well as a shift in the center of the body’s gravity.
Neck pain from infection can occur due to many forms of bacterial or viral contamination.
Neck pain from the flu is the most common source of infection-related symptomology.
Neck pain from a virus is possible, but should not be a chronic concern.
Meningitis can involve viral, fungal, parasitic, bacterial infections of the CSF and spinal membranes.
Sinus neck pain can be a glandular issue or may be related in other less obvious ways.
Osteoporosis neck pain is a dire condition to bear as one ages. Osteoporosis is not painful unto itself, but facilitates many very serious spinal conditions, including fracture and overall instability.
Cervical spondylolisthesis is an abnormal vertebral misalignment condition which can cause pain and serious neurological complications in severe cases.
Neck pain thyroid conditions can source throat and side of the neck symptoms in some people.
TMJ neck pain is possible, but many, many cases of this epidemic condition are misdiagnosed.
Myofascial neck pain is a general term for nonspecific soft tissue causation. Many cases are certainly due to regional ischemia, while some may be related to repetitive strain or overuse injury.
Mechanical neck pain describes symptoms elicited from movement of the joints in the cervical spine. This is common with osteoarthritic and facet joint diagnoses and other joint-related issues.
Cervical syringomyelia can cause pain and neurological dysfunction throughout the body.
Forward head posture is a growing problem among young people and individuals who use handheld electronic devices often.
Neck pain from surgery is a major concern for patients who are seeking invasive care on the cervical spinal region.
Neck pain from scoliosis can occur due to the atypical curvature acting on the vertebral column or the surrounding muscular anatomy of the neck.
Congenital neck pain is created by structural or disease-related processes that exist before birth.
Text neck is a modern epidemic issue that mostly affects young people who can not put their mobile electronic devices down for a single minute.
Globus sensation is always uncomfortable and sometimes, it can be downright painful.
Theories on the Causes of Pain
There are many theories used to explain neck ache in most patients. The most common in the medical and complementary health systems is the structural model, also known as the Cartesian model of pain. This states that pain is a direct result of structural abnormalities and injuries in the cervical spine. While this seems obvious to a novice, the naiveté of this theory as an exclusive model for symptoms is overwhelming. Remember, the body’s most prime directive is to heal.
The postural explanation of neck pain often relates to how the person performs particular activities, such as standing, sitting, lying down, etc. This is useful in some cases, but is not applicable to most patients.
The mindbody theory states that most chronic pain is a combined result of the body, and its weaknesses, and the mind’s tendency towards exploiting them for its own benefit. Primary and secondary gain theories are included in this aspect of the dorsopathy sector.
Holistic theory may find some other nonstructural physical source for pain to exist. Dietary concerns, energy concerns and other systemic conditions may be deemed responsible.
Enigma of Neck Pain Causes
So, are you confused yet? If not, then you must be really well versed on neck pain. If so, don’t fret, we are here to help. We have been actively researching and studying chronic pain for decades now. We consider it to be our life’s work.
In answer to the obvious question of what is causing your pain, there is unfortunately, no cookie-cutter answer. Speak to your doctor openly and never be afraid to ask questions. Discovering your true neck pain cause is the single most important step in the entire diagnostic and treatment processes. Take this step very seriously and work diligently to uncover the real verified source of your suffering before undertaking any therapy.
Now that you know much more about various neck pain causes, you can get to work on your cure. Our proven Cure Back Pain Forever Program is ideal for all diagnoses and can stop pain for good, using effective and safe practices that work.