Pain coaching is a holistic approach to symptom management that never compromises patient health through the use of dangerous care protocols, but instead focuses on safe, effective and constructive practices that actually promote wellness. Pain coaching has gained tremendous credibility as an ideal strategy for coping with symptoms that defy traditional forms of treatment and can even provide cures for many patients who have fallen through the cracks of the modern medical juggernaut.
In full disclosure, I am a pain coach and find tremendous satisfaction in my work. I see its benefits every day of my life, not only in the ways it helps my patients to feel, function and live better, but also in the way that the very same practices literally saved me from a hell of eternal suffering at the hands of chronic back pain earlier in life.
This discussion provides an objective and fact-based look at the benefits and downsides of pain coaching for people with chronic neck pain problems.
What is Pain Coaching?
Pain coaches will each use their own preferential approaches to care, but virtually all coaches adhere to certain fundamental practices that have been proven to be effective, safe and even beneficial for overall health. In my practice, I only rely on these types of techniques, since I seek to build total wellness of mind and body in all of my clients and never degrade it using toxic therapies that damage any aspect of the individual.
Pain coaches are experts in providing individualized solutions that can be custom-tailored to each client’s specific needs and objectives, making them valuable members of any chronic pain combined care team. Practices employed will typically work to resolve or manage pain in the body, as well as in the mind. Practices will also be used to mitigate the effects of pain on physical, cognitive, psychoemotional and social functionality, encouraging reintegration back into a normal and full lifestyle, rather than one that is often restricted by the collateral effects of chronic pain. Personally, I have a wide arsenal of practices that can be employed, with several core methods used successfully by virtually all of my clients. My efficacy statistics are second to none and are published in real time on the home page of my website. medical doctors consistently comment that they would do anything to achieve such excellent results themselves.
Some expert pain coaches can provide diagnostic insights and treatment suggestions based on a patient’s own feedback to pointed interview techniques. These insights have been credited as curing many chronic pain sufferers who were deemed incurable by medical doctors and put on toxic doses of pain management medications, as well as subjected to barbaric surgeries, before seeking out coaching. Coaching can provide benefits for all people with pain, not just some, as is typical in the traditional care sectors of medical and complementary medical science.
Neck Pain Coaching Experiences
I am a pain coach, but I began my journey as a patient. I suffered terribly and was lost in a medical system that provided nothing but additional torture to me. I spent a fortune on care that never worked, endured unnecessary treatment and was misdiagnosed several times along the way. These horrors inspired me to become more self-reliant when it came to my health and eventually led to my permanent cure at my own hands. In the process, I realized that the methods I used and the practices I had developed were actually hugely beneficial to the public at large and I felt compelled to help others face the burden of chronic pain that had also struck me down at an early age.
I feel that being a pain coach, patient advocate, educator and researcher are truly my life’s calling and that all the suffering I did endure was for a good reason. It fueled my personal development and provided the practices that now have helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world over the past 15 years. Although I am surrounded by pain each day now, I no longer fear it, since I know how it can be reduced and relieved in almost every person who must suffer under its cruel whim. I love my vocation because I help people to live better lives.
Neck Pain Coaching In Summary
If you are interested in learning more about neck pain coaching, I highly recommend consulting with an expert in the field. Be sure to seek out a coach who will not add injury to your pain by insisting on pharmacological or surgical interventions unless these options are truly objectively necessary and provide the only possible solutions for you. In my experience, this is rarely the case. Instead, try to embrace the idea of holistic care that will get to the root source of pain and end it where it lives, instead of simply where it is expressed. Remember, that so many musculoskeletal pain syndromes are mistakenly blamed on structural abnormality near where they are expressed, but are actually sourced elsewhere. This is the primary reason why so few people with chronic pan ever find their cure.
Need help? I can provide it, as can select other quality pain coaches. If you want to learn more about my services, I encourage you to contact me at The Chronic Pain Coach website or on any of my social media pages. I am here for you.
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