Neck pain treatment is a huge subsector of the dorsopathy industry and a very confusing process for countless millions of patients. Understanding your many options for finding neck pain relief is a very important step in finding a true cure for your torturous symptoms. However, before progressing to treatment, be absolutely sure that you understand your neck pain diagnosis, since this is the first and most crucial aspect of becoming involved in your own care. If you know what ails you and are absolutely certain of the validity of the diagnostic conclusion, then you have found the right place to start researching the various therapy modalities indicated for your particular condition.
This resource section profiles an exhaustive range of therapy options for neck ache. We will examine conservative, moderate and surgical treatments, as well as their potential effectiveness for indicated diagnosed conditions.
Neck Pain Treatment Choices
Here are many of the neck pain treatments offered by a wide variety of care providers from many healing arts and sciences:
Neck pain drugs are the most commonly used form of treatment worldwide. Drug therapies can have many risks not often considered by patients.
Acupressure for neck pain is a hands-on therapy using the meridian and pressure point teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture for neck pain is a fantastic form of non-pharmaceutical pain management indicated for almost every type of neck ache.
Alexander Technique might help resolve pain that is caused by poor posture or incorrect ergonomic practices.
Alternative medicine for neck pain can consist of any nontraditional modality, but I usually reserve this term for the most effective type of care for many chronic neck pain sufferers, which is knowledge therapy.
TENS for neck pain uses tiny electrical impulses to disrupt pain signals in the nerves.
Botox for neck pain is an injection therapy designed to calm neck muscle spasms and relax tense muscles.
Chiropractic for neck pain is perhaps the most common and popular complementary healing art used by patients the world over.
NUCCA is a specialized form of chiropractic that treats a condition known as Atlas Subluxation Complex or ASC.
Physical therapy for neck pain may help patients recover from neck injury, but is also commonly utilized as a form of conservative treatment focused on neck exercises and stretches to achieve pain relief.
A cure for neck pain may be harder to find than symptomatic relief. True cures are very rare in the dorsopathy sector.
A home remedy for neck pain is always a popular option for many patients who do not have health insurance coverage or have endured bad experiences with professional medical providers.
A natural cure for neck pain is always preferred to neck pain drugs, but seldom offers any hope for permanent symptomatic resolution.
Massage for neck pain comes in many possible forms ranging from gentle and relaxing to painful and almost invasive. Massage can be a great form of neck pain symptom relief, but will not usually cure any structural issues.
Traction for neck pain involves the use of weights or resistance devices to slowly and gently separate the spinal bones. Cervical traction is mostly an antiquated and useless therapy in its traditional forms.
Bed rest for neck pain is statistically proven to do more harm than good for most sufferers. Bed rest may be good in the short term for acute neck pain, but is counterproductive when used to excess.
Ice or heat for neck pain offer easy and free methods of soothing pain.
Prolotherapy for neck pain is an all-natural injection therapy designed to elicit an organic healing response from the body.
Spinal decompression for neck pain is a modern form of computer controlled traction using such cutting edge technologies as the DRX9000C.
Cervical epidural steroid injections and cervical facet joint injections are common symptomatic methods of pain relief which have some pros, but also a great number of cons.
Our proprietary Cure Back Pain Forever Program is one neck pain treatment that we can universally recommend. Best of all, the program is available right now online to help you end your pain effectively.
Symptom-Based Neck Treatment
Most of the neck pain therapy options are symptomatic in nature. This means that although some patients may find temporary and marked relief using the treatment, there is no hope for a real cure provided. In essence, the treatment targets the symptoms and not the underlying source of pain. This is the rule in the neck and back pain treatment sector, despite the fact that all medical schools specifically teach avoiding symptomatic care. In fact, the fastest growing medical specialty is currently pain management. This is a type of doctor who does absolutely nothing except deal with symptoms.
Ironic? Sure, unless you consider that medicine is a bu$ine$$ and symptomatic treatment is exponentially more profitable than cures. Cure a patient and never see them again. Treat their pain and make them a slave and repeat customer for life.
Neck Pain Treatment Tips
Make sure that you understand the nature of the type of care you are receiving. So many patients write to us and say: “I have been receiving (fill in the blank) treatment for (x months or years) and I am still not healed. What is going on?”
In almost every case, the treatment they are undergoing is not designed to cure anything. It is symptomatic, but the patient has no idea. The doctor never told them they would not be cured and they never thought to clarify this obvious point. They have wasted their time, effort, money and hopes for months, or years, for nothing. Come on people, get involved and ask questions about neck pain treatment. It is your body.
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