Psychosomatic neck pain is one of the most common and widespread of all psychologically-induced pain syndromes in the human anatomy. When they hear the word psychosomatic, most people instantly turn off. This is due to 2 main reasons: First, they do not understand the actual meaning of the word. Next, they have been conditioned to have negative connotations regarding any psychosomatic diagnosis. We find this amazing, since the incredible diversity and scope of the mindbody process is evident and scientifically proven all throughout the human body. Most of the processes you take for granted each and every day are psychosomatic and all humans have psychologically-motivated health issues; both positive and negative. This is medical fact.
This resource section provides a complete and objective view of mindbody neck pain syndromes.
Psychosomatic Neck Pain Truths
Ok, so let’s start off on the right foot here. What exactly is psychosomatic? Well, when it comes to neck pain, the term means actual pain, experienced 100% in the body and no different than any other type of pain, with only one exception. Instead of being caused by an injury or disease process, this pain is sourced in the mind and is purposefully enacted. This can be very confusing for people to understand, since they question why the mind would want to cause pain. There are many answers to this question of why, but most relate to repressed, suppressed and highly charged emotional issues which form the basis of modern analytical psychology.
Have you ever heard of Sigmund Freud? Yes, he has a lot to do with this topic. To fully understand it, you have to understand the purpose of a psychological defense mechanism. We write about this topic in painful detail on the original Cure-Back-Pain.Org website and suggest you may want to read the many articles on psychological back pain there, as well.
Here, we will keep it much simpler:
Psychosomatic pain is 100% real.
Psychosomatic pain is universal in humans.
Psychosomatic pain can be cured permanently in most cases.
Psychosomatic pain is not imaginary.
Psychosomatic pain does not mean you are crazy.
Psychosomatic pain is not exaggerated or due to secondary gain.
Psychosomatic Pain Articles
Here are some of the dedicated articles covering the mindbody aspects of neck pain and back pain.
TMS neck pain is the original diagnostic name for tension myositis syndrome neck pain created by Dr. John E. Sarno of the renowned Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, NYU Medical Center in Manhattan.
Alternative medicine for neck pain is best embodied by knowledge therapy, which is the most accepted cure for chronic psychologically motivated neck pain.
Ischemia neck pain, also called neck pain from cellular oxygen deprivation, is the underlying enforcing process which actually creates the symptoms in most patients. It should be noted that ischemic symptoms can also be motivated completely by physical issues, as well as psychological.
Neck pain nocebo and neck pain fear are important concepts to understand in how the mind reacts to symptoms and diagnosis. In many cases, seeking medical treatment is the primary source of exacerbated symptoms when a frightening diagnostic conclusion in made, but is incorrect in that the anatomical issues may be present, but are not the source of pain.
Psychosomatic Neck Pain Considerations
Most of you are interested in this topic and may be a bit intrigued by the possibility of how it applies to you. There is probably a side of you which completely doubts that psychosomatic pain even exists at all and certainly is not the source of your pain. After all, you have a herniated disc, or arthritis, or (insert diagnosis here). Well, here is your wake up call. We all have these structural issues. There is rarely a human adult who is not walking around with countless scapegoat conditions in their spine which could be blamed for pain, including your doctor. Remember, psychosomatic neck pain is no less real than actual injury.
The mindbody process enacts tons of anatomical changes in you every day. Tension headaches, high blood pressure, acne, ulcers, flight or fight response, pupil dilation from fear, perspiration when nervous, the entire sexual response. There are countless examples. It is science and it is real.
Our advice to anyone who has been diagnosed with (whatever), but has not been able to find relief using appropriate neck pain treatment, is always that is may be wise to reconsider the accuracy of the diagnostic conclusion. Misdiagnosis is an epidemic problem in the dorsopathy sector, for sure.
In a great number of cases, neck pain is caused or contributed to by the psychosomatic process, and learning this should be good news. After all, before you thought you were damaged goods, and now, there may be real hope for finding a cure. Think about it and research more before you make up your mind. Additionally, even when an actual structural cause does exist to explain pain, emotional overlay is always a factor in how bad the symptoms will be, how long they will last, how soon they will return and other factors.
Never discount psychoemotional contributors to any chronic health issue. This is exactly why it is now universal to see mindbody practices in place throughout the medical sector, such as in AIDS treatment, chronic pain coaching cancer care, addiction rehabilitation and depression therapy.
Our proven Cure Back Pain Forever Program is the ideal therapy for mindbody neck pain. We have helped tens of thousands of people to recover from chronic pain and offer the program online for immediate help when you need it most… like right now.
Neck Pain > Psychosomatic Neck Pain